Author Archives: Aboubacar Douno
I am so shocked by the ending of #gameofthrones that I still refuse to believe it. They can’t keep on doing this to us. It’s not right
Dans quelques jours, une application pour les chercheurs d’emploi en Guinee qui va tout changer.
You know when you are working on a project, and you know that it is going to have an impact on the lives of so many? Well its that moment. In few days, the most useful application for unemployed Guineans will be released.
Au Monopole avec Noufou Dabo
You are the best thing in my life, you know who you are!
Je veux une pizza pepperoni, avec du fromage qui degouline.
[gallery columns="2" ids="2821,2822"] A l’anniversaire de Fanta Camara