Country #61 India

India, a captivating mosaic of culture, spirituality, and landscapes. From the iconic Taj Mahal to the serene Ganges, it’s a journey through history and diversity. Savor spicy cuisine, vibrant festivals, and warm hospitality. India, where ancient traditions thrive in a modern world. I visited India in 2022 for a duration of 10 nights. I traveled…

Country #35 United Arab Emirates

The UAE, in the Middle East, offers futuristic cities like Dubai, luxury shopping, and stunning desert landscapes. I visited United Arab Emirates in 2022 for a duration of 4 nights. I traveled there by Plane (Turkish Airlines) and stayed at Hotel (Rose Park Hotel Al Barsha). I visited the city of Dubai and some of…

Country #34 Türkiye (Turkey)

Turkey, a transcontinental country, offers historic sites like Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia, stunning landscapes, and a rich culinary tradition. I visited Turkey in 2021 for a duration of 10 nights. I traveled there by Plane (Turkish Airlines) and stayed at Hotel (My Holiday Time Hotel). I visited the city of Istanbul and some of the most…

Country #23 Malaysia

Malaysia, in Southeast Asia, offers diverse culture, rainforests, and modern cities like Kuala Lumpur. It’s a melting pot of cultures. I visited Malaysia in 2019 for a duration of 3 nights. I traveled there by Bus (Billion Star Express) and stayed at Hostel (The Bed KLCC). I visited the city of Kuala Lumpur and some…

Country #22 Singapore

Singapore, a city-state in Southeast Asia, is famous for its modern skyline, multicultural cuisine, and efficient public transport. I visited Singapore in 2019 for a duration of 4 nights. I traveled there by Plane (Ethiopian Airlines) and stayed at Hostel (Beary Best! Kampong Glam (SG Clean)). I visited the city of Singapore City and some…