Directed by Jeff Gibbs. With Catherine Andrews, David Blood, Michael Bloomberg, Richard Branson. Planet of the Humans takes a harsh look at how the environmental movement has lost the battle through well-meaning but disastrous choices.
Directed by Joshua Oppenheimer. With Adi Rukun, M.Y. Basrun, Amir Hasan, Inong. A family that survived the genocide in Indonesia confronts the men who killed one of their brothers.
Directed by Joshua Oppenheimer, Anonymous, Christine Cynn. With Anwar Congo, Herman Koto, Syamsul Arifin, Ibrahim Sinik. A documentary which challenges former Indonesian death-squad leaders to reenact their mass-killings in whichever cinematic genres they wish, including classic Hollywood crime scenarios and lavish musical numbers.
Country #30 Ghana
Ghana, on the West African coast, is known for its rich history, welcoming culture, and lively music and dance. Accra is the capital and a vibrant city.
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