How to download/backup all your Facebook data

Thanks to the introduction of GDPR in May 2018, users are now able to access all of their contents ever posted on social media websites. Yes, you can access and download all your photos, videos, comments, messages, and other activities that you ever posted on Facebook. This includes your status updates about how much you…

How to Fix the “DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN” error on macOS?

I got a brand new MacBook few weeks ago and I have been having an DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN  error while trying to access one of our web apps at work. After some time researching the cause of the error, I found out that it was due the DNS settings on my MacBook for the Wifi network I was…

Odoo – AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘id’

The error  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'id' occurs when you uninstall one of the apps, most likely the Discuss app. After trying installing and uninstalling different apps (Projects, Inventory Management, Manufacturing, Employee Directory, etc.) I noticed that this error occurs only when you uninstall the Discuss app. So far, the only solution I found was to drop the database. Connect to…

How to Install Odoo on Mac OS using Homebrew

In this tutorial we will look into how to install Odoo on Mac OS using the package manager Homebrew. Install Homebrew: If you do not already have Homebrew set up on your system, you can install it by running the command below in the terminal:

To check that Homebrew is installed, run the command:

How to Uninstall Git from Mac OS X?

To uninstall Git from Mac OS X, you need to find the file that comes with Git and execute it. Open Terminal Run this command: cd /usr/local/git/ to see whether the is there If yes, run the command: sh /usr/local/git/ The output of the command above will be: This will uninstall git by removing /usr/local/git/, and symlinks. Type ‘yes’…

How to add a new language to your Android Phone?

Step 1: Install More Local 2 on your phone: Open Google Play. Search “More Local 2”. When you “More Local 2” install it. After the installation is done, click on the button “Open”. In the list of languages, select the language you want. You will have a permission denied window with the choice to either…